Conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes Excellence in T&I training and research


Cette section offre des vidéos pour l'éducation et la formation développées par les membres de la CIUTI. Les membres de la CIUTI peuvent demander un financement pour produire des vidéos destinées principalement ou exclusivement aux formateurs en traduction et/ou en interprétation (et non aux étudiants). L'objectif principal des projets vidéo est de présenter et d'expliquer une pratique pédagogique ou didactique. Le formulaire de demande peut être téléchargé ici.

Shift in orality

Tech­no­lo­gy advan­ce­ments and the recent COVID 19 pan­de­mic have chan­ged the inter­pre­ting land­scape and have acce­le­ra­ted the use of remote inter­pre­ting, both tele­phone and video-based interpreting. 

Shift in Ora­li­ty – Sha­ping the Inter­pre­ters of the Future and of Today anti­ci­pa­ted this trend. This EU-fun­ded research pro­ject (2015–2018) explo­red the fea­tures and pos­sible constel­la­tions of remote dia­logue inter­pre­ting with the aim to pro­duce use­ful infor­ma­tion and know­ledge about this inter­pre­ting mode. The pro­ject was coor­di­na­ted by Prof. Félix San Vicente of the Depart­ment of Inter­pre­ting and Trans­la­tion (DIT) of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bolo­gna (Ita­ly) and the part­ners were : Uni­ver­si­ty of Sur­rey (Uni­ted King­dom), Uni­ver­si­dad de Gra­na­da (Spain), Uni­ver­si­dad Pablo de Ola­vide (Spain), Dua­lia Tele­tra­duc­ciones SL (Spain) e Vea­syt Srl (Ita­ly).

The aim of these 4 videos pre­pa­red by DIT inter­pre­ter trai­ners is to present the fea­tures of the Shift in Ora­li­ty trai­ning mate­rials for the bene­fit of trai­ners and students. 

Shift in Orality Project – Part 1 Features of remote interpreting

  1. “Shift in Ora­li­ty Pro­ject : An over­view” (Ama­lia Amato)
  2. “Shift in Ora­li­ty Pro­ject : Tea­ching mate­rials” (Nico­let­ta Spinolo)

Shift in orality Project – Part 2 Introduction to teaching materials

  1. “Shift in Ora­li­ty Pro­ject : Set­ting up the class­room” (María Jesús Gonzá­lez Rodríguez)
  2. “Shift in Ora­li­ty Pro­ject : Obser­va­tion sheets” (Maria­chia­ra Russo)

A series of talks to celebrate the golden jubilee of the Institute of Applied Linguistics

The year 2022 mar­ked the 50th anni­ver­sa­ry of our Ins­ti­tute. We cele­bra­ted this round anni­ver­sa­ry with a series of 10 talks deli­ve­red by the grea­test scho­lars in the scien­ti­fic fields repre­sen­ted by our facul­ty, as well as in the lan­guages taught at our Ins­ti­tute. The lec­tures were simul­ta­neous­ly inter­pre­ted into Polish by our students.