On 4 August a massive explosion destroyed large parts of Beirut (Lebanon). As the people of Beirut are trying to get back on their feet and rebuild their city and their lives, our CIUTI colleagues and friends of the Ecole de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes de Beyrouth at the Université Saint-Joseph need our help. Its campus has been severely damaged, and in addition ETIB fears that it will lose a great number of its students who will no longer be able to continue their education there if they do not receive any grants.
CIUTI is, therefore, launching a call, appealing to the generosity of all colleagues at its member institutions. If you want to help out these aspiring translators and interpreters, you can donate an amount that you deem appropriate through any of these channels:
- Online with Visa or Mastercard through https://www.usj.edu.lb/idonate/
- Bank transfer
- Europe
- IBAN: FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 7670 146
- Holder: Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth
- Bank: Crédit Industriel et Commercial – Swift : CMCIFRPP
- Please mention: “Donation for ETIB student scholarships”
- Account number: 622712 401 001 002 01
- Holder: Friends of St Joseph’s University (Scholarship)
- Bank: Interaudi Bank, 19 East 54th Street, New York, NY 10022, USA
- Please mention: “Donation for ETIB student scholarships”
- Additionally for colleagues in France (donations are tax deductible): online through https://www.omcfaa.org/nous-soutenir-faire-un-don-en-ligne.php
- Additionally for colleagues in the USA (donations are tax deductible): online through Paypal using this link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=UWL_b8Fby_Xd_gCp2QMCnLc3BnJ4WzMdK1Q1fIKAK46ritwnyqVBXFIpWQ1mF5KI-USKMm&country.x=US&locale.x=US
Please refer to https://www.usj.edu.lb/idonate/ for any further information.
In order for your donation to be assigned directly to ETIB, we would be grateful if you could send USJ Foundation (which undertakes to guarantee the confidentiality of your data) a message in which you specify that your donation is intended for ETIB student scholarships.