Conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes Excellence in T&I training and research

Admission procedure

CIUTI membership is open to institutions of higher education offering programs in translation, interpreting and multilingual communication. Membership is acquired through a procedure involving the quality control of curriculum, research, infrastructure and resources. The procedure consists of four major stages which are outlined below.

Schedule for admission process

If this sched­ule is fol­lowed, the admis­sion pro­ce­dure can be com­plet­ed in one year:

  • 30 April: Dead­line for applications
  • 15 July: Dead­line for response to appli­ca­tions by the CIUTI Admis­sion Commission
  • 30 Novem­ber: Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of SAR
  • Jan­u­ary-March: Vis­its by experts to appli­cant insti­tu­tions. Expert reports to be sub­mit­ted at the lat­est 5 weeks after the visit
  • May: Admis­sion Com­mis­sion report pre­sent­ed at CIUTI Gen­er­al Assem­bly and vot­ing by Gen­er­al Assembly

These dates are max­i­mum dead­lines. Ear­li­er sub­mis­sion will lead to ear­li­er pro­cess­ing by the CIUTI Admis­sion Commission.

(1) An insti­tute presents its can­di­da­cy by sub­mit­ting, via e‑mail, the appli­ca­tion form which can be down­loaded here. The can­di­da­cy is then screened on com­pli­ance with the for­mal cri­te­ria laid down in the CIUTI pro­file. Suc­cess­ful can­di­dates will be invit­ed to the sec­ond stage.

(2) Can­di­dates admit­ted to the sec­ond stage have to pay an admin­is­tra­tive admis­sion fee of 250 EUR. The can­di­date will be invit­ed to draw up a Self-Assess­ment Report accord­ing to CIUTI guide­lines. This SAR must be sub­mit­ted to the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al in elec­tron­ic form (via mail attach­ment). It will be for­ward­ed to the mem­bers  of the CIUTI Admis­sion Com­mis­sion and used as the basis for judg­ment. Can­di­dates whose SAR receives a pos­i­tive judg­ment will pro­ceed to the third stage.

(3) In the third stage, can­di­dates will be vis­it­ed by two CIUTI experts who will pro­ceed with an on-site eval­u­a­tion of teach­ing, research, and facil­i­ties, and will attempt to resolve any out­stand­ing ques­tions raised by the Admis­sion Com­mis­sion. The expens­es involved in the 3‑day vis­it (trav­el, meals, hotel accom­mo­da­tion) are to be cov­ered by the can­di­date. The Admis­sion Com­mis­sion makes its final judg­ment on the basis of the report of the experts, and presents suc­cess­ful can­di­dates to the Annu­al Gen­er­al Assem­bly of CIUTI for approval.

(4) The final stage is the deci­sion of admit­tance or non-admit­tance by the annu­al CIUTI Gen­er­al Assembly.