Conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes Excellence in T&I training and research

to Ciuti!


Ini­ti­ated in 1960, CIUTI (pro­nounced [’sju:ti]) is the world’s old­est and most pres­ti­gious inter­na­tional asso­ci­a­tion of uni­ver­sity insti­tutes with trans­la­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion pro­grammes. Mem­ber­ship requires ful­fill­ment of strict qual­ity cri­te­ria and is a dis­tinct seal of quality.

Devot­ed to excel­lence in T&I train­ing and research, being a mem­ber of the CIUTI fam­ily is both a reward­ing sta­tus and a con­tin­u­ous chal­lenge in the light of chang­ing mar­ket needs and ongo­ing research.

Join Ciuti


If you feel that your T&I insti­tute shares the spir­it and qual­i­ty phi­los­o­phy of CIUTI, you are wel­come to apply for CIUTI mem­ber­ship. The admis­sion pro­ce­dure typ­i­cal­ly takes about one year and is designed to ensure that CIUTI mem­bers share high stan­dards in T&I train­ing and research. For details, click on “Admis­sion Pro­ce­dure” on the left.



CIUTI has more than 50 mem­ber insti­tu­tions from over 20 coun­tries. Mem­ber­ship is reserved for insti­tu­tions only.

Conference & Forum


CIUTI annu­al­ly orga­nizes a con­fer­ence on Trans­la­tion & Inter­pret­ing at one of its mem­ber insti­tu­tions. Bi- or tri­an­nu­al­ly the con­fer­ence makes room for the CIUTI Forum, an open dis­cus­sion plat­form for all par­ties involved in T&I. With­in the set­ting of an inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion, stake­hold­ers in T&I train­ing, research, and prac­tice are invit­ed to dis­cuss T&I‑related prob­lems and solu­tions, cur­rent trends, and antic­i­pat­ed developments.


Next event

  • No future event defined yet. 


CIUTI 2025
In 2025 the CIUTI Con­fer­ence will be held at Uni­ver­si­dad Pon­ti­f­i­cia Comil­las (Madrid, Spain) on 20–21 May 2025. The theme is “Trans­la­tion in Tran­si­tion: Assess­ing the Impact of Lan­guage Tech­nolo­gies Three Years after the Launch of GenAI”. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion will fol­low soon.

Chris­tine Trauner (Uni­ver­sität Graz) is the win­ner of the 2023 CIUTI Prize for the best MA dis­ser­ta­tion. Bertille Tri­boulet (Uni­ver­sité de Genève) and Ali­na Pieters (TH Köln) have been award­ed hon­ourable men­tions. Congratulations!

Dr. Pao­lo Canavese (Uni­ver­sité de Genève) wins the 2023 CIUTI Award for her PhD on Swiss leg­isla­tive acts in the third offi­cial lan­guage. Dr. Sofie Ver­liefde (Uni­ver­si­ty of Ghent) is the First Lau­re­ate and Dr. Mar­co Dori­go (Uni­ver­si­ty of Tri­este) the Sec­ond Laureate.

CIUTI on social media
Fol­low us on Twit­ter and LinkedIn!

Here are the lat­est tweets from CIUTI